David Kergel (PhD., M.A: 1St Ex), Prof for Social Work at the IU International University of Applied Sciences and Director of the Institute for Diversity and Education in the Digital Age (https://digital-diversity.education). He is
- Editor of the Routledge Book Series “Perspectives on Education in the Digital Age
- the Springer Book Series “Precarization and social disaffiliation – transdisciplinary studies
- and the Springer Book Series “Diveristät und Bildung im Digitalen Zeitalter
- Editor of the Publication Plattform Digital Divers Education – Research Reports and Studies on Diversity and Education in the Digital Age an
- Editor of the Section “Interdisziplinäre Bildungsforschung” at the Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft online.
David Kergel is a member of various international networks such as the international Research Group S.U.P.I. (Social Uncertainty, Precarity, Inequality) and ACR-Network (Actor, Reality, Construction). He is peer-reviewer for various journals and funding programs like the DAAD (German Academics Exchange Service), VDI Technologiezentrum and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).
David worked i.a. as educational coordinator for the VSU, (Association for Social and Environment Pedagogy) Berlin (Germany), primary school teacher, freelancing instructor and author. He taught as PhD Fellow and afterwards as External Lecturer at the Institute for Learning and Philosophy of the Aalborg University (Denmark) and the University of Siegen. He coordinated the projects “e-Didactics and e-Sciences” at Carl von Ossietzky University and “Habitussensitive Counselling” at the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and worked as a “Digital Expert” at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. David Kergel was Visting Researcher a.o. at the Duquesne University (USA) and METU University (Turkey).
David Kergel studied Primary-School Pedagogy and German Studies as well as German as a Foreign Language at the Free University of Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin (First State Examination). He earned his Master`s Degree in „Education and Media: eEducation“ at the FernUniversität Hagen and his PhD. at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Course Director of the Dubrovnik School of social work theory and practice,
Key Advisor of the International Association on Social Quality
Member of the NSU (Nordic Summer School) Circle 8: Futures of Education, Cultural Diversity, Imaginations & CTTA
Member of the international Research Group S.U.P.I. (Social Uncertainty, Precarity, Inequality)
Member of the ACR-Network (Actor, Reality, Construction).
Member of the DGfE (German Society for Educational Science)
Peer Reviewer a.o. for Routledge, Bloomburry, ERODL, Frontiersin.org, Digitale Erfahrungswelten im Diskurs, Chowanna.
David Kergel freelances as an author, e-learning coach and consultant in digital thinking, digital leadership and diversity. As part of these activities, he develops educational materials, custom-fit digital teaching/learning designs, and provides workshops. David Kergel is peer-reviewer for various journals and funding programs like the DAAD (German Academics Exchange Service), VDI Technologiezentrum and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).
E-Mail: davidkergel@gmail.com
Mobil: 0176/82663955
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-kergel/